The STÄRKE Community

The STÄRKE Community

We want to give back and contribute to the community that we work with

For us, barbers are not just our professional associates, but an integral part of the extended STÄRKE family. And we at STÄRKE feel a strong commitment to bring about a positive change in our immediate community. Which is why our long-term vision is to work towards empowering the barbers in Asia and Africa.

The below key community initiatives are currently in various stages of implementation

Free formal trainings

In our business we find ourselves interacting with thousands of hardworking, small-scale barbers who want to improve their craft but lack access to any professional training. Therefore, we have taken up an initiative to organise free formal training sessions to help these small-scale barbers. Towards that goal, we conduct periodic professional training courses for barbers and hairdressers, which can be accessed by both men and women in this profession. Our free refresher courses and orientation sessions with trained professionals are an invaluable tool for any barber and hairdresser to brush up on their formal knowledge and skills.

Acquaint with the latest

These training camps can accommodate an average of 50 people per session and are organised every 3 months. And we make sure our sessions see attendance from new people keen to access our training. The course trainers also ensure the barbers are acquainted with the latest in beard styles and hair cutting trends and then also instruct them on the steps to create those with precision hair and shave tools. This programme also works well to create the necessary awareness on vital professional Salon norms such as the safety protocol and higher hygiene standards.

Boost-up plans

Additionally, we are focusing on giving small Salon set-ups a boost too. To enhance the level of Salon services of these barbers, we plan to provide them instalment payment plans as well as loan facility. This means that now the small barbers can finally gain access to using high-precision shave tools, similar to the ones used in elite barber shops.

Financially aid Salons

Another initiative that’s on the drawing board yet but will run almost concurrently with the training programme is a project to adopt and financially aid Salons run by needy barbers. We are looking to convert these Salons into model Salons and provide them free basic equipment, supplies, refresh the décor and uplift the image of the Salons as well as of the workers engaged in them.

Support the barber’s families

In our commitment to look after the barbers’ welfare as one extended family, we are also looking to support the barbers’ families whereby we will be financing their children’s education by way of education funds.

STÄRKE Support

Reach us for any kind of help!